Friday, January 5, 2018

Thomas McClure: Revolutionary War Gravesites in McLean County

Thomas McClure Gravestone
7/15/1765 - 1/3/1847
Stout's Grove Cem., Danvers Twp.
Photo by Tony Cannon, Find-a-grave

~Revolutionary War Gravesites in McLean County~

Thomas McClure is only mentioned as a veteran of the Revolutionary War in a few sources. Most of it is second hand. Thus, he is one of three veterans who only probably or possibly served in the Revolutionary War and are buried in McLean County (the others being William Lee and Jacob Williamson).

He was first mentioned in 1917, and then in two later sources (1967 and 1976). A 1976 Pantagraph article references Duis' 1874 book The Good Old Times in McLean County as evidence of McClure's service in the Revolutionary War. However, in the section from Duis' book on Thomas McClure, there is no mention of his service in the war. 

McClure was born in Rockingham County, VA in 1765 and would have been a teenager in the war. He moved to Kentucky at the age of 16 in 1781. Several engagements occurred in Kentucky after McClure's arrival, so he might have served then. 

Thomas married Susannah "Susan" Hinds in 1790. The family moved to Indiana in 1815, Sangamon County, IL in 1824, and Stout's Grove in spring 1827. In The Good Old Times in McLean County, Duis describes McClure as a hardy, big frontiersman. McClure was 6'2" and weighed 220 pounds and could often be seen hunting game and working his land.

References & Map

See the Introduction to Revolutionary War Gravesites in McLean County for references.

Click on the map or this link to view a map of Revolutionary War veterans buried in McLean County.

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